Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o- Colonizing

In Ngugi Wa Thiong'o's short stories, "Decolonising the Mind," "Wedding at the Cross," and "Minutes of Glory" have a common theme of colonization.  Each story displays a different way in which colonization has effected a person or a group of people.

In "Wedding at the Cross," I feel for Miriamu, because like her I couldn't marry someone who was "zombified" or who had no personality.  He changed do to British colonization, because their way is better.  This text clashes with my views on the world, because no one should be affected or influenced by forms of "colonization."  For example, media in America, influence young women today to look a certain.  My views weren't challenged or changed, because many people don't marry or stay with someone because they have changed.  This addresses issues such as marriages possibly being forced on to someone, even if they don't love each other, and I can't stand people being influenced to the point  where they completely change.  This was a good story to show how colonilization can change a person's being.  This piece didn't really interest me, and I don't think that I would read another piece like this one, because it just wasn't interesting.

In "Minutes of Glory," I would have been a little more violent than Beatrice at the end.  If I would have taken the money, I would have found a place to live, and practical things to help me stay alive.  Again,  I don't think that selling your body for money is the right way to go, no matter what the situation, and this doesn't make me have a good view of the world.  I don't think that prostitution is right, and men are pigs for giving into it.  I don't think that people should have to deal with issues such as that, and with my background, I don't think it's right.  This story shows the affects of colonization, because she buys basically "disposable" items, such as shoes, stockings, and a dress, because of the environment that they are in (mud and dirt roads, etc.)  I really enjoyed reading this piece, because it was easy to understand and we see instances like this in our society.

1 comment:

  1. You have some interesting commentary here. In the second paragraph, you explain why you liked that story. In the first paragraph, you need to explain why you didn't find it interesting. It is good to have balance in your explanations.
